Ready for the future
Ready for the future
In 2000, Inter-Data began the development of its first revolutionary online Fleet Management portal. This portal has proven itself in terms of speed and stability for more than 20 years but is now due for renewal after two decades.
New platform:
Closure of 2G/3G networks:
Worldwide, 2G/3G networks are being phased out. In the Netherlands, KPN and Vodafone are expected to shut down these networks in 2025. This may result in older systems, in particular, no longer functioning after the closure of the 2G/3G network.
If you are not yet using the FMS2020 portal and would like to know if your systems are future-proof, send an email to [email protected] or call 0345-522333.
The Inter-Data Support team is ready to assist you personally with sound and reliable advice.

Inter-Data Europe B.V.
Sales & Service:
Wanraaij 4
6673 DN Andelst
Ma-Vr 9.00-17.00
[email protected]
KvK/ 11056216
BTW/VAT. NL812323129B01
VAT nr:(VIES EU): 812323129B01
RSIN: 812323129
EORI: NL812323129
Inter-Data Security B.V.
KvK/ 73158569
BTW nr: NL859378998B01
VAT nr:(VIES EU): 859378998B01
RSIN: 859378998
EORI: NL859378998
Inter-Data Sweden
Development & Administration:
Flygplatsvägen 11
68393 Råda
Investigation & Recovery Service
Stellingweg 2
NL-7255 NM
Postbus 201 NL-7020 AC Zelhem
+49 (0) 173 311 1641
+31 (0)6 150 301 63
[email protected]
24/7 Recovery Support
NL +31 30 30 40 020
DE +49 95 253 91 00 1024
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