Corporate Social Responsibility

2020 Education and business
“Students are valuable contributors”
Recognizing the significant gap between students and the business sector, Inter-Data Sweden initiated a collaboration with Karlstad Innovationpark and students from Karlstad University in 2016 to bridge this divide.
2019 Solar Panels
“Reducing energy consumption to a minimum”
In a commitment to minimize energy consumption, Inter-Data installed a noteworthy solar energy system on its office building in Sweden. The system comprises 45 panels, each with a capacity of 295 Watts. Eighteen are mounted on the wall, and 27 panels are positioned on the flat roof. The panels on the flat roof have liquid panels on the back to cool them, utilizing this heat in the advanced geothermal heat pump system. This dual-use enhances the efficiency of both the solar panel installation and the geothermal heat pump system.

2018 Heat Pump
“Energy savings up to 70%”
In an effort to reduce energy consumption, a large heat pump with a geothermal installation was implemented. This initiative reflects Inter-Data’s commitment to sustainability and responsible energy practices.
2017 Solar Tubes
“Free heat energy”
In a country like Sweden, heating buildings is crucial and often consumes a significant amount of energy. To address this, a 13.3 kW Solartube installation was implemented at the rear of the Inter-Data office building in Sweden. This initiative harnesses solar energy to reduce the overall energy consumption of the facility.

2016 Toilets for a Better World
In Juni 2016, presenteerde Henrik Smedberg, business developer van Mundati, de eerste plannen aan Inter-Data van een super wereld project.
“Slechte of zelfs geen sanitaire voorzieningen is wereldwijd een groot probleem.”
In June 2016, Henrik Smedberg, a business developer from Mundati, presented the initial plans for a groundbreaking global project to Inter-Data.
“Poor or nonexistent sanitation is a major issue worldwide. Especially in third-world countries, refugee camps, and disaster-stricken areas, inadequate sanitation often poses a more significant problem than access to clean drinking water.”
Swedish company Mundati embarked on a new development in 2015—a full-service, multicultural, hygienic, and transportable sanitation concept designed to address these global challenges.
A reliable monitoring and management system, crucial for overseeing safety, hygiene, and logistics, was identified as a key factor. Inter-Data partnered with Mundati to develop a modern enterprise cloud solution for this purpose. This solution aims to efficiently serve both small local organizations and large global entities worldwide.
The United Nations and the Red Cross have already expressed their interest in this innovative initiative.
2013/14 FIA WRC
Since 2009, Inter-Data has been closely involved in the organization of one of the largest events in the rally sport.
“WRC FIA World Rally Championship”
The WRC FIA World Rally Championship has made the Inter-Data building in Sweden its center for two weeks every year since 2009. Inter-Data provides accommodations for the WRC media center and its associated organization, managing the entire communication process in collaboration with Event-IP.
A team of many hundreds of dedicated professionals, including television producers, journalists, technical staff, and Rally Sweden personnel, collaborates from the Inter-Data building to ensure the success of the WRC event.
In 2012, Inter-Data, in partnership with the municipality of Hagfors (Hagfors Kommun), invested in a new 5-kilometer-long fiber optic connection to facilitate this event in a high-quality manner.

2013 Go For Africa
On June 14, 2006, the Go for Africa Foundation was established by Jan Huizinga, an experienced ROC teacher in automotive technology with work experience in Africa. Combining the adventure of Africa with experiential learning, he aimed to deepen and broaden Dutch education.
“Live via the Internet from the Netherlands to Gambia”
With the goal of enriching Dutch education, the foundation has been organizing adventurous work placements in various West African countries (Gambia, Senegal, Mauritania) since then, connecting Dutch and African education. Thanks to the dedication and sponsorship of Inter-Data and the local Inter-Data dealer JVO Car Care from Rossum, the team “Dukes of Brabant” from the ROC Koning Willem I College in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, represented by Bas van den Boogaard and Joshua van der Leest, could be followed live via the Internet from the Netherlands to Gambia.
2008 Roparun Team 42
The Roparun is a relay race of over 500 kilometers from Paris and Hamburg to Rotterdam, where people, in teams, engage in a sporting event to raise money for individuals with cancer. It is often referred to as an adventure for life, as reflected in its motto: “Adding life to days when often no more days can be added to life.”
“Thanks to the dedication and sponsorship of Inter-Data, Team 42 was live trackable via the Internet in 2008 using a micro GSM GPS tracking system”
A Roparun team consists of a maximum of eight runners, each covering an average of about 65 kilometers, equivalent to more than 1 ½ marathons. In addition to the runners, a team includes at least two cyclists and several support members, including drivers, caregivers, caterers, and road captains. Teams are responsible for organizing these roles, and on average, a team consists of 25 individuals.

2008 Solar Boat Race
Since 2005, races for self-made watercraft powered by solar energy have been organized in Zeeland: the Zeeuwse Zonneboot Race.
“Thanks to the dedication and sponsorship of Inter-Data and the Inter-Data dealer Car-life from Vlissingen, it was possible to follow the race via a compact GPS GSM track and trace system and a separate website, monitoring parameters such as voltage and speed.”
The solar boat race introduces young people, mainly students from various educational levels, to the possibilities of sustainable solar energy in an engaging way. It provides a compelling platform for a broad audience to discover the power of the sun as a source of sustainable energy.
2006/07 Amsterdam-Dakar
A group of enthusiasts, led by initiator Arthur Verheijen, embarked on the first Amsterdam Dakar Challenge – a barrel journey of nearly 7,000 kilometers with the ultimate goal of auctioning off the cars for local charities. Moreover, the initiative significantly aids charitable causes.
“Thanks to the dedication and sponsorship of Inter-Data, Team Twice, consisting of Henri van Meurs, Antoine van Meurs, and Olaf Barkmeyer, was live trackable via the Internet in the period 2006-2007”
To date, the teams have generated over €3,000,000 for various charitable causes!

2006 Ringvaart Regatta
The OC&C Ringvaart Regatta, originating in 1976 as a friendly competition between Njord and Laga in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the D.S.R.V. “Laga,” has evolved into a renowned event throughout the rowing community in the Netherlands. The race covers precisely 100 kilometers, commencing in Leiden, crossing the Kaag, navigating the Ringvaart, passing through Leiden, Leidschendam, and ultimately reaching Delft.
“Thanks to the dedication and sponsorship of Inter-Data in collaboration with Telfort Nederland, this event was live on the Internet for the first time in 2006”
The boats of participants Wubbo Ockels, van Helden, Ida Kollman, van der Knaap, and the teams fam. Kroes, Triton dames, Nereus Dames, Njord heren, Aegir heren, Laga heren, OC&C, and faculteit Mijnbouw were equipped with a micro GSM GPS tracking system by Inter-Data, and a separate website was developed specifically for this event.

Inter-Data Europe B.V.
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Inter-Data Sweden
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